ELS students have access to National Geographic Learning’s online practice portal, MyELT which is home to ELS’ proprietary curriculum – exercises, videos, books and more – all developed together with National Geographic Learning.
Click here to access your MyELT account: https://myelt.heinle.com/
Your username is your ELS Student ID number.
For example, if your ELS Student ID is 123456, your username is “123456”.
Your password is a combination of “ELS_” and your ELS Student ID number.
For example: If your ELS Student ID is 123456, your password is “ELS_123456”.
ELS students can do self-study exercises, track progress, complete assignments and connect with instructors all on the Guided E-Learning platform. There are over 2,000 pages of grammar exercises and engaging IELTS prep materials.
Click here to access your GEL account: https://learn2.guidedelearning.net/corelogin/
Your username is a combination of “els” and your ELS Student ID number.
For example: If your ELS Student ID is 123456, your username is “els123456”.
Your password is also a combination of “els” and your ELS Student ID number.
For example: If your ELS Student ID is 123456, your password is “els123456”.
If you have logged into GEL before, you would have been prompted to change your password.
If you have any trouble logging into either platform, you can reset your password on the login page for MyELT or GEL. You can also reach out to studentsupport@els.edu if you continue to have problems.
*Prices displayed in a local currency are approximate and based on daily exchange rates, which fluctuate. Invoices and payments for programs will be in the destination currency.
*ELS students must meet minimum age requirements: